Sunday, January 4, 2009

November 22, 2008 Drinking Problems - Diet Dr. Pepper

This photo is so funny, now that I look back at it.  Guitar Hero guitar is in the background as Sophia appears to be biting into the side of a soda can.  I am not sure why this strikes me as so funny, other than thinking of the phrase, "party like a rock star."  

Here, Sophia is showing me how to drink a Diet Dr. Pepper.  I bought some Diet Dr. Pepper cans at Costco and the box was huge so I had it sitting next to the steps to be brought downstairs.  Sophia took one look at it and started tearing the box open to see what was inside.  Before I realized it, she was taking sodas out of the box and pretending to drink them like she sees mom and dad do all the time.  She took about three or four out and here is the result. 
  It is a good thing it wasn't a beer can.  Can you imagine?

Another can of soda........

Posted by Picasa...And yet another. 
 Wow! How do they do that?  Mom and Dad drink these all the time.  I think I will stick to my "ba ba!"

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