Tuesday, January 27, 2009

January 27, 2009 PiggyTails and Pretty Bows

Sophia's Grandma needed to see a pic of Sophia so here you are Grandma. Sorry, we have been sick and not taking a lot of photos.  Her ear is still hurting after being on Amoxicillin for 4 days so we went to the Pediatrician again this morning. He gave her Augmentin and some drops to put in her ears for pain.  She no longer has fever but she is still holding her ear and saying "Ow, Ow!"   I ask her where it hurts and she points to her ear and does the ASL sign for hurt.

I tried to cheer her up by putting her hair in "hair bows as we like to call them."  I thought we would try two pigtails today for a change.  We usually only put one pigtail on top of her head but her hair is getting longer so I thought I would give it a whirl and try this.  I just need her to hold still. It took me quite a while to get them even and straight.  It looks cute, I think. I love having a beautiful girl and look forward to fixing her hair and putting in fancy barrettes and hair bows.  If I can help it, she will be a girly girl just like her mom.


Design Lab 443 said...

Cute photo, she is getting so big!

Sikes Family said...

Thanks! She is getting big too fast. Where did my little baby go?