Thursday, August 7, 2008

August 7, 2008

We had an early start today. We had to run and get a new battery for the '98 Honda Civic that we are trying to sell on Craigslist. A couple came by last night to test drive the car for their daughter. When they put the key in it, it didn't start. How embarrassing! So, because we have another person coming to see the car tonight, we had to run our and get a brand new battery first thing this morning which resulted in a our whole schedule being off for the day.

Sophia this is a picture of the car you spent riding around in your first year of life.

When we got back from getting the car battery replaced Sophia went down for her morning nap. After she finally woke up she wanted to play and then eat lunch right away. After lunch she went right back down for a nap.

When she finally woke up, we played with her baby tricycle again. I am trying to teach her good safety habits. She doesn't really like having her helmet on, but she is learning to tolerate. At least, now she isn't fussing so much when I put it on her. Although we are in the house at this point, I am making her wear it to get used to the feel of having her helmet on her head. Someday, we will be playing outside on her baby tricycle, and she will have to wear the helmet or she will not be allowed to ride. I know back when I was a kid riding my bike, there were no helmets for bikes. I firmly believe that a helmet is a good idea based on what studies show regarding safety and I could not live with myself if Sophia got hurt by not wearing one. It is such a simple and inexpensive precaution to wear a helmet.

Another important thing to remember while riding your bicycle my dear Sophia is stay well hydrated........

Oh, giving me attitude are you (with your hands on your hips)?

Pictured here you will see Sophia playing with her baby doll. She gives the baby kisses when it cries. It is such a precious moment to see her kissing her baby doll and trying to drink her baby doll's bottle.

I love being a stay at home mom with my daughter. Many of you reading this probably know I love children and in fact, at one point studied early childhood education with the intent of teaching preschoolers or kindergarten classes. However, that dream changed when I realized how little teachers are appreciated. I always thought, "Well, I will just have my own children and enjoy teaching them and watching them grow." That is exactly what I am doing. I am so blessed to have such a beautiful growing daughter that I can share experiences with and watch grow. I am enlightened by her discoveries and entertained by her funny moments.

Dear Sophia,

Mommy loves you. She has waited to have you for so long, now here you are and you are amazing. Stay happy and healthy and always remember mommy will always be here for you.


Mum Mum

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