Tuesday, September 2, 2008

September 2, 2008 Pudding Face or Painting with Pink Pudding

As of lately Sophia has been giving me a lot of grief while eating. She has been spitting out all of her baby food. So I have really been trying to give her lot of regular food to taste. I thought I would try something new to get her interested in eating. I put one drop of red food coloring into vanilla pudding to make it pink to see if Sophia would like it. Then, I mixed it up and gave her the spoon. I think the photographs tell the whole story. She tried to feed herself with the spoon while I was in the kitchen. Well what can I say, she loved the challenge! She had a little trouble with aim as you can see. I am not sure if she was trying to wear it as make-up or maybe moisturizer or just couldn't get the coordination of eating with a spoon right. Either way, she had a blast making a mess. Maybe her motive was altogether different, maybe she was painting the highchair tray, we will never know. Only she knows what she was doing here. I can say that she laughed as hard as I did when I returned back to that side of the room.

The thing that amazes me most about this funny mess was that she didn't get a drop of it on the white carpet. She kept the bowl on her tray along with the spoon which would usually land on the floor to create a reason to say "Uh Oh!" There was no pudding on her clothes. She did have a bib on, but she usually manages to get food all over her clothes under and around her bib when I feed her. I couldn't believe I was able to wash all the pudding off of her skin and didn't need to change her clothes.

Sophia, I love you darling pudding face.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Too cute!! I love it. Food coloring is one of our favorite things here. As a matter of fact, we are eating PINK pancakes for breakfast this morning!